As a successful technologist, the best experience you can get is hands-on experience. I set up my Home-Lab to learn, build, replicate, break, and fix things in a controlled environment.

Try Hack Me
Follow my journey to complete all the different learning modules on Try Hack Me. I’m currently in the top 3% of users for completed tasks.

Markov Chains in Music
My PhD research used Markov chains to create new melodies based on the probabilistic values of input melodies. Some math ahead.

Music Compositions
I have composed dozen of musical compositions, and my music has been performed in venues around Europe and the United States, including Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.

Lost in Space
I wrote and produced a 40 minute show fusing astrophysics, music, and visuals performed at the Edinburgh Science Festival a the National Museum of Scotland and Royal Observatory of Edinburgh – in collaboration with the wonderful Andy Lawrence and fantastic Robert Motyka.
Sometimes I like building guitars.